
What The World Cup Teaches Us About Teamwork

A football flying through the air into the net

No matter who you’re rooting for, we can all agree there is a lot to be learnt from the World Cup. But who knew that it could be such an accurate analogy for achieving your team targets? When you break down its meaning, teamwork simply refers to the process of working together to achieve a common goal. Whether that goal is in the net or is your current business objective, reaching that desired destination requires a united team willing to communicate and put in the work.

Why is teamwork effective?

As the saying goes “Two heads are better than one” and in most cases, the quality of work produced as a team is far greater than that of a singular person, thus becoming the primary benefit of collaborative work. This is mainly down to a group’s ability to leverage each other’s skills and capabilities, allowing them to create stronger outcomes by utilising team synergy. Just like football has a goalkeeper, defender, and attacker- your workforce will also have its own variety of unique skillsets, so its best to assign duties which will compliment each person’s abilities. Where one person might exhibit a strength, it may be another’s weakness, and so by working together they are able to mutually compensate and play to each other’s strengths. This creates better consistency, fewer flaws, as well as a more balanced performance.

Secondly, a shared vision creates drive – nothing stands in the way of a passionate team working towards one goal. Not only does a team make tackling any task much easier, but it also creates a supportive work environment and a stronger fellowship.

And finally, every great football team undergoes regular group training; improving upon each other’s abilities and techniques. With every team comes a multitude of different knowledge and skillsets – making it the perfect environment for mutual learning. Discover different perspectives, new techniques, and gain insight from your fellow team members – make the most of each other’s abilities and trade knowledge! You may be surprised to find how many new things you can pick up from your colleagues.

What makes good teamwork?

While working as a team has the potential for higher productivity and better progress, it can also be tricky when not executed well. It’s not all about having good ‘players’, it’s how they are used and how well they are able to work together. Achieving harmony and striking a balance is imperative when it comes to achieving your collective goals, so what are the most important elements that make up a tight unit?

  • Trust – The best starting point is always trust; without which it is difficult to come together and put your faith in your team members. Take the time to know your colleagues, not just their skillsets, but also their personality and ways of working. Once you know each other better the trust will naturally develop, and you can begin to collaborate more efficiently. If you feel your team could use more time getting to know each other or you work remotely, consider holding regular team meetings or video calls.
  • Communication – You may be surprised to learn that there is a lot of planning and discussion that comes before a football match. This ensures that strategies and tactics are understood by each player while strengthening the communication between the team. While there is strength in numbers, groups can easily get chaotic without the use of proper communication. To combat this, make sure to provide ample opportunities for every individual voice to be heard. Check in with one another on a regular basis, create written agendas and keep each other updated on your progress. Be sure to establish clear goals and regularly review your collective progress.
  • Designated roles – To work efficiently as a team, it is essential for each member to have individual responsibilities; it is much quicker to reach your common goal when the workloads are distributed effectively. Just like a football team has individual positions allowing them to play as one tight unit, allocating roles and leaderships will act the same for a business while making sure you cover all bases. So, make the most of each other’s unique skillsets and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

As you can see, there are some striking and unexpected similarities between business and football, and so it leaves a lot to be learned from this year’s world cup. We hope you found this blog insightful, should you require any additional support or have any other queries, our team would love to help. Get in touch:

T: 01903 688789 E: makeithappen@mbsmih.com

How To Stay Consistent

open planner on a light wooden surface with paperclips on the side

No matter what your goals may be, consistency is always the best strategy to get you there. It reflects discipline and dedication, as well as promoting productivity- ultimately helping you build that pivotal momentum. Though it comes with its own challenges, it is the fastest route to success. Consistency holds strong importance both in and out of your working life, so we’ve prepared some beneficial tips to help you achieve it.

Adapt a positive outlook

Your mindset can have a huge impact on your daily approach and willingness to work. Therefore, adapting a nurturing approach for your wellbeing can go a long way when pursuing your goals. Don’t be too hard on yourself or be afraid to put your needs first, good physical and mental health is a key influence on consistency. Make sure you look after yourself with a balanced diet, good sleep, and downtime. It will set you up for a more productive working routine and help you reach your targets while avoiding collateral burnout.

Be around likeminded people

Don’t tackle everything on your own, surround yourself with likeminded, positive people. A supportive network of friends and colleagues plays a major role in having the confidence to go after what you want, while providing motivation and reassurance in times of stress. It also promotes sharing your aspirations with others which is a great tactic for maintaining drive and holding yourself accountable. Make realistic commitments and put them out into the world, a trusted network will help you get there and push you over the finish line when you’re lacking stamina.

Work during your most productive hours

Picking the best time to work is important for making your output consistent. You may be an early bird and have more energy in the morning, or conversely, you may be a night owl and have higher energy levels later in the day. Knowing when your energy levels are high and thus knowing when you put out your best work is key to consistency. Once you know when your best work is made, it’s easier to plan your day around it and get things done. Getting into a routine ensures that your body knows when it’s time to work and when it’s time to rest, so that you’re always ready to put out quality content.

Plan your workloads

Spreading your workload is important. When we try to do more than we are designed to do, our anxiety levels begin to rise, and the quality of our work suffers. Do a little every day and micro-manage your tasks, every dedicated minute is progress no matter the scale. If you ever find that you have too much to do and not enough time, ask for help. Consistency often comes in the form of being proactive and knowing when to seek a helping hand. If it is business support you require, then outsourcing or delegating may be the key to achieving consistent high-quality content.

If you’d like to find out more about how you can be more consistent or need that extra helping hand to get you over the finish line – we would love to help! Get in touch:

E: makeithappen@mbsmih.com   T: 01903 688789

How To Effectively Boost Your Concentration

Young woman concentrating while sitting on a couch writting in a notebook and laptop

Most days we all have a lot on our minds. From daily responsibilities, work-life and the usual challenges scattered throughout our week – there just never seems to be enough time to focus on a singular thing at once! But with so much going on and so much to do, how do we stay focused? 

Studies show that the average duration of an adults sustained attention span is a maximum of 20 minutes, however there are many factors that influence your concentration and therefore many ways in which you can improve it (developing your analytical and listening skills along the way).  Here’s our top tips and tricks for boosting your concentration:

Sleep well

The bread and butter of all self-improvements is a good sleeping routine. While not everyone requires the exact same thing, a recognised rule of thumb is around 7-9 hours per night. Consistency is also important as developing a sleep routine helps regulate our ‘internal clock’ and makes waking up in the morning a whole lot easier. A well-rested brain is ready to receive, and most importantly, retain information.

Eat well

Focus and concentration is also directly affected by what fuels our bodies, therefore a balanced and enriched diet is key. The best concentration food is fresh, easy on the gut and rich in vitamins. Fruit and vegetables are fantastic at providing nutrients and antioxidants, while slow-release carbs such as legumes help to sustain your energy throughout the day, promoting improved alertness and cognitive skills.  


Plan ahead and figure out what is at the top of your priorities, then act accordingly. Since every attention span has its limits get the important stuff done first. By doing this you will direct your core energy into the activities that require it the most! 

Keep active

Maintain movement throughout the day and try to stay active. Daily exercise whether big or small helps our brain to focus and release endorphins, making those difficult tasks less strenuous and daunting. Make it fun by incorporating activities that don’t feel like exercise e.g., dancing and ice skating, or choose swimming and water exercises if you struggle with mobility/ joint pain. 

Take care of yourself

Remember that you come first, so make sure to take care of yourself. Practice self-care, do things that make you happy and don’t burn out. A happy mind is much better at staying focused.

Eliminate distractions

While there’s a time and place for concentration boosting apps and music, technology is the root of most distractions. Don’t fall into the trap of background tv or leaving your phone nearby; multitasking may seem tempting, but the results speak for themselves when the task at hand has your undivided attention.

Set realistic expectations 

Not every task is meant to be completed in one sitting, sometimes it can be better to come back with a clear mind. However, it is important to be realistic while still recognising achievements (even the small ones). Improve your focus and performance by taking regular but short breaks and come back refreshed and ready.

Exercise your brain dexterity

Finally, optimise your performance by refining your brain dexterity. Mentally stimulating activities such as reading, puzzles and crafts help to keep your brain active and ultimately improve your concentration, sustained attention and task outcomes.

If you’d like to find out more about improving your concentration or need support in carrying out any business tasks, we would love to help. Get in touch! E: makeithappen@mbsmih.com   T: 01903 688789

12 Days Of Tipmas Day 12: Celebrate!

Two champagne glasses tanding on golden decorations and Christmas bells with warm lights in the background

It can be difficult to reach our end goal. Most of the time it is a long journey that you can’t make overnight, so it’s important to celebrate the achievements you make while working towards your goal. Whether you choose to celebrate by just acknowledging the work you’ve done or by getting together with your team for a meal, you’ll feel renewed. It is easy to lose sight of all the progress you make, so taking the time to appreciate your accomplishments can put things into perspective, improving your outlook on the situation.

Celebrating can be the little things:

  • Reflect on your accomplishments and how you’ve improved
  • Take time for yourself to recharge
  • Socialise with your team
  • Spend time with your loved ones
  • Be positive about the future

We hope you’ve enjoyed MOMENTUM’s 12 Days Of Tipmas. If you’d like to find out more about any of our blog topics or require any additional business support, get in touch!

E: makeithappen@mbsmih.com   T: 01903 688789

12 Days Of Tipmas Day 7: Do An End Of Year Review And Plan For The Future

Woman looking through paperwork on a bed

How can we measure if our business is doing well? After all, there is no metric for success. The answer is an end of year review- the process of which allows business owners the chance to evaluate annual progress, expenditures as well as general performance. Doing so gives them the chance to review previous targets, define future goals, as well as establish new strategies all while documenting the process.

A review’s main benefit is the ability to accordingly plan for the future. Once the overall performance is evaluated, it is easier to determine what has worked well and what needs further improvements. It also allows you to compare previous reviews, giving you a better understanding of your business’ growth as well as providing owners the opportunity to spot forming patterns.

Finally, many businesses also chose to include employee assessments in their end of year reviews, evaluating the team’s performance. While the process can seem nerve racking for many, it is actually a beneficial tool for all team members- promoting communication and providing an opportunity to recognise hard work and dedication.

Here are our top tips for an end of year review and future planning:

  • Note down everything
  • Keep things dated and organised
  • Look for patterns and anomalies
  • Define expectations and goals
  • Recognise success and achievements
  • Always keep criticism constructive
  • Be patient- allow time for growth
  • Communicate with your team
  • Be ambitious but set achievable targets