Complete What You’ve Started and Get Over The Finish Line

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Have you ever started a task or project you just cannot seem to find the enthusiasm to finish? Or it just feels too complicated and you can’t see a way forward?

Sometimes we can get so clouded by our own thoughts, we don’t see the simplest of solutions right in front of us.

We’ve put together some of our top tips to help you get over the finish line.

Break the task or project down – By breaking the task or project down it will seem less daunting. As you complete each step you will have a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment which feels amazing psychologically. This alone will motivate you to move onto the next step.

Don’t chase perfectionism – Just thinking you want everything to be perfect can lead to many things not being finished. Find a balance for yourself where you work well, but at the same time don’t get lost in trying to improve and perfect something too much.
It’s important to be aware that nothing will ever be perfect and striving for perfection can cause you to feel as if you’re not good enough. Focus on gradually being more consistent instead. Good enough is good enough and that goes for your work and yourself.

Set a deadline – Setting a deadline will boost you to finish your task on time, and is generally a good way to help you to let go of a need to perfect things too much.

Limit yourself – The last part of project or task can often feel hard and it’s easy to procrastinate. Set limits for how often you check your email, the time you spend on social networks, how much time you take to make everyday decisions etc…

Incorporating limits into your lifestyle means you’re less likely to get distracted and can keep your eye on the end goal.

Don’t create problems and complications in your mind – And finally… Your perspective of the task at hand largely determines what you see. Think positively by imagining the task is easy and simple instead of “heavy” and complicated, and your perception of what you want to achieve will change too. Ask yourself questions throughout the task such as:

“Am I overcomplicating this?” and
“What is the simplest and most straightforward solution to my problem?”

Whilst it is a fantastic feeling to complete a project or task, sometimes you need to weigh up which tasks are worth taking on and if you genuinely have the time to pursue them. At MOMENTUM we understand you want to be able to give every project or task your undivided attention. However this is near on impossible when running a business. We have the recourses and time to help you as much or little as you like. From admin and finance to HR and recruitment and much more besides… If you need us, we would love to help.

Complete What You’ve Started and Get Over The Finish Line
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