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Size Doesn’t Matter – It’s What You Do With It That Counts!

That’s right, you guessed it! We’re talking about a Social Media account …

When it comes to social media we are often asked ‘Why don’t I have more followers/ likes?’. 

There are plenty of things to consider (check out our Digital Marketing blogs for lots of organic strategies on how to grow your social media presence:  

But for now, I want to focus on WHY you want ‘more’ followers. Why do you want your account to appear bigger than it is?

True, the more people that follow your accounts the better it could appear, the higher your reach per post might be and it will probably make you feel better about the time and effort you’re putting in. Realistically though, why is your business even on social media?

If it’s just about having as many people or companies as possible following you, I’m going to be blunt and suggest in that case you’re wasting good time that should be spent elsewhere on your business.

If however, you’re utilising these valuable marketing tools to increase your exposure, uplift your SEO, provide a portal for prospects and customers to interact with you and ultimately generate new business, then the question I pose back is ‘Does size really matter?’.

Conducting a social media account in a way that positively represents your brand, your values and your products or services is much more important than sharing funny cat videos (unless of course you’re in the business of funny cats!). The cute animal pictures or the on-trend humour memes or the afore-mentioned ‘funny cat videos’ may all gain a certain level of reach or interaction and will endear a certain audience to your content, but what is it all achieving? Unless those posts are part of an overall marketing strategy culminating in reaching your ideal target audience, your time and effort is wasted.

I know it feels good to have a large number of followers, but the aim of the game when it comes to using these free marketing tools, is to win more business. Isn’t that why you do all your other marketing? So why treat social media any different?

If you made 100 prospecting calls and gained 10 leads, you’d be thrilled! But if you had 10 followers and not 100, you’d be disappointed. What I’m trying to say is, if you focus more on quality and not quantity, you will find that even if you only have a perceived ‘small’ number of followers, they will become advocates, influencers and even customers. So size really doesn’t matter – it’s all about how you’re using your social media marketing that counts!

If you’d like to chat through your next social media marketing strategy, please get in touch, we’re always happy to provide free advice: makeithappen.. E: T: 01903 688789