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Are You Spending Too Much Time On Admin?

No matter what field your expertise lies in, a common ground for businesses always seems to be a lack of time. But could it be that we’re all just dedicating the hours to the wrong things? Research shows that SME owners and executives spend a weekly average of 16 hours carrying out administrative tasks and duties – almost half of the average working week! Those extra hours could be crucial for growth and productivity, and yet we’re spending them on tasks most of us don’t specialise in. Of course, we’re not suggesting you start neglecting your admin duties (after all they are a vital part of any business). However, outsourcing those tasks to a trained team could give you back that precious time.

What tasks does admin cover?

There are many duties that fall under administration – each varying from business to business. Most of the workloads cover clerical tasks like organisation, communication as well as maintaining internal databases. In short, admin is often the backbone of your business operations – ensuring everything runs smoothly.

Will outsourcing admin cost more?

Quite the opposite! In most cases, outsourcing admin is far cheaper than expanding your workforce internally. It allows your management to utilize specialist, third-party employees instead of delegating admin duties to your existing team members. This results in higher office productivity, promoting business growth, and sales. Finally, since you’re only paying for the exact time spent per task – you’re cutting down the additional costs of an average salary. Lowering the costs of a salary, recruitment and training means the additional benefits of an extra budget to put back into your business.

How will this benefit my business?

The best use of your time is doing what you’re good at, and freeing up those extra, weekly hours can make a ground-breaking difference to business growth. Giving your undivided attention to core tasks, helps you to focus and produce higher quality services for your clients – ultimately increasing sales and reach. It’s easy to get lost under all the admin, there always seems to be a time pressing task. But to move your business forward you must invest your time wisely – into projects with more prospective potential. 

If you’d like to find out more or if daily admin is getting you down, reach out to our team. Our administrative services are always tailored to suit you and your business’ needs, offering efficiency and a helping hand. Get in touch:  

E:   T: 01903 688789