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How to Make the Most Out of Business Awards

If you’re running a business, you already know that it requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and devotion. That’s why it’s essential to commemorate your success and acknowledge your team’s efforts. And what better way to do it than by winning an award? So, in anticipation of the 2023 Adur and Worthing Business Awards, we’re exploring how to make the most out of business awards!

Prepare Your Entry Carefully

Your entry is your chance to impress the judges and stand out from the crowd. Therefore, it’s crucial to take the time to prepare it carefully. Make sure you highlight your achievements, provide evidence and statistics, and showcase why your business deserves to win. Ensure that you tailor your entry to the specific award that you’re entering. Each award has different criteria, so make sure you address them comprehensively in your submission.

Promote Your Entry and Celebrate

Once you’ve submitted your entry, it’s important to promote it- so tell your team about the nomination and encourage them to share the news online. You can also use this opportunity to reach out to your customers and spread the word! If you’re shortlisted or win the award, make sure you celebrate with your team and update your website and socials. This is great for increasing audience engagement as well as tapping into new networks within local communities.

Use the Award to Your Advantage

Utilise your victory and leverage it to grow your business further. You can use the award’s logo on your website, social media, as well as other marketing materials to display your new accomplishment. Don’t forget to share photos/videos from the night; it will help to boost your online presence and emphasise your businesses involvement within local communities. You can also use this opportunity to gain press coverage, attract new customers, and network with other industry leaders.

Keep Improving Your Business

Winning a business award is an excellent milestone, but it’s crucial to remember that it’s not the end goal. It’s essential to keep refining your business and striving for excellence. You can use the feedback you receive from the award judges to identify areas of improvement. This will help you stay ahead of the competition, continue growing, and win more awards in the future.

Winning a business award is an excellent way to gain recognition, increase credibility, and stand out from your competitors. If you have an individual or a business in mind that deserves recognition, or would like to nominate your own business, why not take part in the fun this year? Entries for 2023 are open! Swing by to get all the exciting details.