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Email Signatures: What Not To Forget!

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Are you making the most out of your email signatures? Excluding the obvious ones, here’s 4 things you might be forgetting to include!

1. Social Profile Icons

Help people find other ways to contact and follow you by including your social media page links in your email signature. Whether they are presented as a clickable list or icons, they are an absolute must!

2. Main Call to Action

Include a simple, non-pushy main call to action in your email signature that is hyperlinked and stands out from the rest of the signature. For example, if you’re focused on encouraging more people to visit your website, often the heart of your online presence, you could use ‘Visit Our Website’ as a call to action. Choose what works best for you and where you would like people to go. Feel free to change it throughout the year, in line with your current goals or marketing plans.

3. Booking Links

If you’re looking forward to running an upcoming virtual event, but would like more interest or to spread awareness, put the booking link and event title in your email signature! You’d be surprised how many people you can reach with a day’s worth of back-and-forth emailing doing this.

4. Awards & Memberships

Has your business won any awards or is it a member of any high-profile organisations? Why not include their logos in your email signature. Making sure they’re not too large and don’t obstruct the rest of your signature, display a selection to help others find out more about what your brand has achieved and what you stand for. For example, here at MOMENTUM we are proud members of the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office), so of course we want to display that, along with being Eco Warriors and Highly Commended winners in the 2016 Adur & Worthing Business Awards.

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