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We can provide all of the legal documentation required for managing your people and equip you with the necessary skills for all your HR challenges.

HR & Recruitment

We can provide all of the legal documentation required for managing your people and equip you with the necessary skills for all your HR challenges. We will work with you to help you structure your organisation with the right skills and capabilities in-line with your desired business strategies.

Our HR packages are extremely flexible and cover everything you could need. We offer a fixed fee retainer, can work with you to address one-off issues or on a project-by-project basis.

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Redundancy and TUPE

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Change Management

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Disciplinary and Grievance

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Recruitment and Selection

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Contracts and Policies

Redundancy And TUPE

An increasing number of employers are having to deal with employee redundancy, business transfers or service provision changes. If you’re amongst them, it’s essential that you act within strict Government guidelines – or you could leave yourself open to unfair dismissal claims in an employment tribunal.

We’re here to provide specialist employer advice on making employees redundant, dealing with business transfers, or changes to service provisions within your business.

Let us manage your redundancy or TUPE process for you and we’ll make sure that all the correct steps are followed, reducing stress for you and your employees along the way.

Disciplinary and Grievance

Disciplinary and grievance procedures are frameworks that provide clear and transparent structures for dealing with difficulties that may arise as part of the working relationship – From either the employer’s or employee’s perspective.

These procedures help to ensure that everybody is treated in the same way in similar circumstances, and that all issues are dealt with fairly and reasonably. They will also ensure that you, as the employer, are compliant with current legislation and follow the relevant Acas Code of Practice.

We are here to support you with developing a disciplinary or grievance procedure, or to provide advice and support when managing an employee disciplinary or grievance case.

Two women having a conversation at a table with a laptop on it

Change Management

All organisations are changing their focus, expanding or contracting their activities and rethinking their products and services. Most companies more than ten years old look nothing like they did even five years ago, and it is likely that in the next year or two businesses will not look like they do today.

In this context, managers have to be able to introduce and manage change to ensure the organisational objectives of change are met, and that they gain the commitment of their people, both during and after implementation. Often, at the same time, they also have to ensure that business continues as usual.

Change management matters, because although change is taking place at an ever-increasing pace, there is evidence that suggests that most change initiatives fail.

The impact of failures to introduce effective change can also be high: loss of market position, removal of senior management, loss of stakeholder credibility, loss of key employees, and reduction in engagement.

Many things cause organisational change. These include:

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Challenges of growth, especially global markets

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Government legislation/initiatives

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Changes in strategy

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Challenge of economic downturns and tougher trading conditions

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Technological changes

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New organisation behaviours and skills

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Competitive pressures, including mergers and acquisitions

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Customer pressure, particularly shifting markets

We can support you throughout your organisational changes to allow you to focus on your day to day business.

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Performance Management:

Performance management is a holistic process that brings together many activities to collectively contribute to the effective management of individuals and teams in order to achieve excellent business performance.

It is important your line managers understand their role in managing performance and how performance appraisals contribute to the overall aims of your business strategy.

We can provide you with specialist advice or training on managing performance, and we can support you with developing an effective performance appraisal system.

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Recruitment and Selection:

Recruitment and candidate selection can be hard work, so making it easier from the outset will pay off in the long run. Using a structured recruitment selection process will save you time, as well as increase the quality of your recruitment selection.

We can help you with writing job specifications, job descriptions, recruitment selection frameworks and support you through the selection procedure. We can provide job offer paperwork and contracts of employment, and even support you on your induction procedure.

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Contracts and Employee Handbooks:

An employer must give employees a ‘written statement of employment particulars’ if their employment contract lasts one month or more. All businesses with employees should have up to date Employment Contracts in place and an Employee Handbook.

An understandable, readily accessible set of policies helps ensure that employees are treated fairly and equally. Formally writing down your business’s policies and procedures and providing clear guidelines means you will spend less time answering questions and explaining the basic rules of your company. It is important as an employer that you let employees know what is expected of them in terms of standards of performance or conduct, and reward them for achieving these. Most importantly, you will also lessen your chances of ending up in an employment tribunal.

We can review your existing contracts, policies and procedures to ensure they are up to date with current legislation requirements.

We can also tailor our templated frameworks and policies to suit and protect your business.

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Health and Safety Policies:

We can review your existing policies and procedure to ensure they are up to date with current legislation.

We can also tailor our templated frameworks and policies to suit and protect your business.