
SME Networking: Top Tips to Get You Started

A person holding out their open hand with a group of people connected above it

Networking can sometimes seem like a daunting task, but it really is crucial to your business’s success. Whether you are just starting out or have been in business for years, building a strong network can help you gain new business, find support, and build valuable relationships. In this blog, we’ll cover the do’s and don’ts of networking, as well as some top tips and benefits to help you make the most of it!

Do’s and Don’ts:

When it comes to networking, there are some important do’s and don’ts to keep in mind. Firstly, do attend events and meetups that are relevant to your business or industry to make valuable connections. Secondly, do have a clear idea of what you want to achieve from attending the event. Thirdly, do bring plenty of business cards to hand out. On the flip side, don’t just sell yourself and your business, instead listen to what other people have to say and try to build relationships. Don’t ask for too much too soon, instead build up a relationship before asking someone for a favour. Finally, don’t forget to follow up after the event with an email or message.

Networking Tips:

To make the most of your networking events, there are a few tricks that can help. Firstly, be curious and ask questions to show interest in the other person. Secondly, make eye contact and smile to present yourself as friendly and approachable. Thirdly, avoid being pushy or aggressive in your approach and instead build relationships organically. Finally, use social media to stay in touch with your new connections after the event by adding them on LinkedIn.

Benefits of Networking:

Networking offers many benefits for SME owners. Firstly, it can lead to new business opportunities and referrals. By building relationships, you can get your name out there and attract new business. Secondly, it provides support and advice from like-minded individuals. SME owners often face similar challenges, so networking can provide a valuable support system. Thirdly, it can help you stay up to date with industry trends and news. By attending events and talking to others in your industry, you can keep informed.

In conclusion, networking is a vital part of being a SME owner. By following the do’s and don’ts, using our networking tips, and understanding the benefits of networking, you can build valuable relationships and grow your business. So, get out there and start networking today!

If you’d like to learn more about our networking tips or require any other business support, get in touch. We would love to answer any of your questions and discuss your needs!

E: T: 01903 688789

12 Days Of Tipmas Day 3: Invest In Digital Marketing – Keep Your Online Presence Up To Date

Mac desktop computer on an office desk with the words " Digital Marketing" on the screen

The Internet is full of potential prospects and customers but to attract them you must not only be in the right place and at the right time but also maintain a strong online presence. Improving your presence online can come down to various factors, however the most important is often consistency and a regular schedule. A consistent posting regime can boost the amount of customer interactions and engagement, as well as improve on your brand’s credibility- presenting your business as trustworthy and organised. 

 It can also be beneficial to include regular, original content and cover newsworthy and trending topics to create more traffic to your posts and website. Doing so will result in better post performances, a more positive audience reception, as well as attracting new visitors to your website. It is also key to remember that many social media platforms have a much shorter shelf life, meaning that the quantity of posts will need to be adjusted in accordance with the chosen platform to ensure your content doesn’t get lost at the bottom of the newsfeed.

Keeping your online presence up to date can also come down to the first impression your business gives off. Consider sharing more branded graphics as well as updating your profile info and visuals. An old bio and faulty links can send the wrong message and come across as careless. Make sure that everything works as it should do and check what your profiles look like from the customers point of view. Most importantly keep all your socials coherent and congruent, use matching information, logos and slogans and make sure your branding is always easily recognisable.  

As a small business, we know that time is precious. Why not invest in your Digital Marketing activities by outsourcing them to our expert team? Give us a call on 01903 688789 or email us at to find out more.

4 Simple Ways To Optimise Your Home-working Environment

White wooden desk with an open laptop, headphones, mobile, house plant , camera and mug

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Many of us have experienced less than perfect working environments, but with work-from-home roles on the rise we can finally take the reins and customise our working space. As employees across the world reap the benefits of ‘home offices’, we decided it was about time to share our top tips for how you too can optimise the space you work in. 

It all starts with light

The backbone of one’s general wellbeing is light, and without a good natural source it’s easy to feel run down. Natural light is known to effectively improve health and wellbeing among humans; it stimulates the production of vitamin D, improves bone health, and is a proactive element of good sleep. Studies have shown that a lack of sunlight has a significant impact on our Cortisol levels which can often trigger SAD (seasonal affective disorder), evoking feelings of stress and anxiety during periods of low sunlight exposure. The immediate solution is to set up your working space in an area with a good natural light source such as by a window or near a glass door. If you are more sensitive to light, try setting up in indirect light but make sure that your environment is still well lit throughout.

A little bit of green, a lot less stress 

In recent years, designers have been incorporating the colour green into a series of public spaces. From restaurants to libraries, green has been popping up more and more, soothing with its calming tones. According to colour psychology, colour wavelength has a significant impact on our emotions. Those with a longer wavelength such as red can evoke feelings of excitement and warmth, while others with shorter lengths such as green can stimulate a sense of soothing and calmness. So, if you’re not ready for a bold wall colour, one of the best ways of making your workspace greener is by introducing plants. Not only do live plants improve air quality in the home, but they also aid in minimizing stress, staying alert and promoting creativity. Surrounded by plants you will boost your morale while catching a glimpse of that all-important colour green. 

Differentiate your downtime

Home-based roles have revolutionised millions of offices, however when working remotely it is vital to exercise a level of self-control. Mental associations can play a big part on our performance, thus separating your work from your downtime can be an great start to optimising your environment. The quality of work is often much lower when in a proximity to a bed, as well as our sleeping schedules falling victim to reduced amounts of melatonin from extensive computer usage. When able to, set up your home office away from the bedroom and you will soon discover the advantages. If you find yourself without an alternative, try to keep distance between the desk and your bed or opt for a physical divide with the use of smart furnishings. Finally, limit the use of electronic devices in/before bed and experience a restful start to your working day.

Calm your senses

Humans have five basic senses: touch, sight, smell, hearing, and taste, each one with an idiosyncratic system that analyses the world around us. Feeding us information about our surroundings, they can often be a catalyst for many behaviours in the workplace.

  • To appeal to your sense of touch, choose appropriate and comfortable clothing. Softer, breathable fabrics will make you more comfortable and could aid confidence. Consider upgrading your office chair to better your posture. 
  • Surround yourself with positive reinforcement and pleasant visuals. Photos, plants and personalised items can help to make one inspired. Try keeping your space tidy, but don’t overdo it, as an empty office can often feel impersonal and cold. 
  • Many studies have proven that scent has a multitude of effects on the brain. While aromas such as chamomile and lavender can calm an overactive mind, cinnamon and rosemary are known to improve concentration as well as attention. 
  • While working from home, many of us have experienced auditory distractions. When possible, try minimising outside noise through headphones or soundproofing foam – a fantastic tool that improves any home office. Alternatively, if you struggle with working in silence, consider office-friendly white noise (available through most streaming platforms). 
  • When on your lunch break, it can be beneficial to choose enriching foods that stimulate your sense of taste. Snacks such as blueberries and green tea are high in antioxidants, while small portions of nuts and seeds can boost Omega 3. Though most importantly, remember to stay hydrated!

With our whole team having always worked from home, we know it can be hard to get the balances right sometimes, if you’d like to chat about your home-working ideas or anything else, please get in touch, we’re always happy to share our experience: 

makeithappen.. E: T: 01903 688789