unique copy

3. Why Unique Copy Is Your Best Friend | In The Know Blog Series – Search Engine Optimization

Blog title on the background of an open laptop displaying wordpress home page

Welcome to part 3 of In The Know, our new blog series! 

Continuing with this series’ focus of SEO, in this instalment we’re looking at why using unique copy is important on your website.

What Is Website Copy & Why Does It Matter?

Website copy is the main, core text that narrates visitors through your website and tells them what they need to know about your business, products and/or services. 

Unfortunately, many small businesses treat their website copy as an afterthought – and it’s no surprise, they are juggling many things when first starting out, it’s often not a priority for them, but it should be!

Your website is at the heart of your online presence – therefore, you should never throw something together on your website and think ‘that will do’ – it won’t! Your copy may take time to get right, but putting the hours into creating engaging, well thought out website copy will pay off in the long run, generating higher interest levels and helping to increase your business enquiries. Never underestimate the power of good website copy – it could be the result of gaining or losing a customer.

Why Is Using Unique Copy For My Website Important?

Website copy overly stuffed with generic keywords and very basic search terms isn’t very inspiring, and generally won’t capture the attention of your prospects. Of course, as mentioned in our last blog instalment, including keywords is essential to your SEO strategy – but don’t go obviously overboard.

They’ve seen it all before, you want to stand out from the crowd! You need to create thought-provoking copy that directly targets your ideal customer and their point of pain, and how you can help with that.

How Can I Make My Website Copy Unique?

Unique copy doesn’t have to mean paragraph after paragraph of jargon, cut your copy down and keep it focused.

You can use punchy and emotive headlines and titles to gain the attention of your website visitors, as well as including some facts and data in there too, which many readers love. E.g.: We boosted Facebook growth by 30% instead of ‘Boosted Facebook Growth’

Add a touch of personality to your website copy – highlight your core brand values and most importantly, keep it human!

Join us in our next part of this SEO series, where we’ll be talking about why having a presence on social media platforms can boost your SEO.

How unique is your website copy? Get in touch to find out more…

T: 01903 688789 E: makeithappen@mbsmih.com