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7 Steps to Customer Satisfaction

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Customers are the heart of any business. Whether selling a product or providing a service… Without them, there would be no business. Therefore it is important to look after them and keep them happy. See some of our top tips on building relationships and maintaining client satisfaction.


Talk to customers one to one, let them see the face and name behind the business. Whether communicating over the phone, through social media or email… Keep that personal touch. It reassures customers that the person/people behind the brand are genuine and care about their issues, therefore making their experience a happier one. Happy customers will generally spread the word which is an added bonus


It’s important to respond to customers appropriately. In order to do so it’s a must to really listen to them and act on their feedback. Ask them what they want and observe through various communication points. Have feedback forms available. Be sure to follow through with any changes promised. This will help assure the customer that their opinion and word matters to you


It’s always an amazing feeling to have a new customer/client on board but that’s not the end of the hard work. Make sure service is always top notch and ongoing. Respond as quickly as possible and make special offers and promotions tailored to existing clientele to show their continued business is as important to you as gaining new contracts


Make your customers feel valued. It’s always great to listen but if you don’t act upon reasonable requests, they won’t feel as if you’re taking them seriously. Make it clear to them that you not only want their feedback but you also value it and them as a partner. A valued customer will be more likely to increase their investment in your business


Keep customers up to date with any amendments, whether they are positive or negative. If you keep them in the loop, they will be more susceptible to adapting with the changes. It’s important to approach them carefully (keeping updates clear) if they’re comfortable with how things are. Doing so will help with building/keeping the trust


Honesty goes a long way with customers. It’s important to be transparent so they know you have nothing to hide. Be upfront when it comes to fees and what you can offer. No one takes too well to hidden costs and feeling as if they’re not receiving value for money.


Show your customers you appreciate them. Tailor your thanks and gratitude to each client keeping it relevant to them. Although a simple thank you speaks volumes and will make them feel as if their custom is appreciated

As much as we want our customers to have complete trust in us, it can be demanding and time consuming keeping up with communications. At MOMENTUM we can help lighten the load with as much or as little time as you need. Get in touch; we’d be happy to help