4. Boost Your SEO With Social Media! | In The Know Blog Series – Search Engine Optimization

Welcome to part 4 of In The Know, our new blog series! 

Continuing with this series’ focus of SEO, in this instalment we’re talking about why having a presence on social media platforms can boost your SEO.

If you’re a business owner reading this, you’re likely to use one or more social media platforms for your company. We all know that being active on social media boasts many benefits, including helping attract and gain new customers and increasing your brand awareness, but did you know – having a presence on social media platforms can actually help out your SEO too. Social media profiles are often amongst the top results in search listings for brand names when searched.

How Does Social Media Help SEO?

Although social media isn’t a direct ranking factor for Google, there are ways that social media does help your SEO strategy. The engagement that your social media content receives, including comments, likes and shares all contribute to boosting your online visibility and traffic – the more shares that your social media content receives, the more opportunities people have to see it.

What Content Should I Share?

So, with all that in mind, what social media content should you share to help drive traffic and shares? We would suggest…

  • Blog Posts – write about informative topics linking to your industry or expertise that others will find useful.
  • Videos – whether it’s a behind the scenes video of your company or a reveal of a brand-new product, video content is king.
  • Infographics – create and share infographics as an interesting (and different!) way to share data or survey results.
  • Podcasts – the popularity of podcasts has boomed in recent years, have you ever thought about creating one to share with your audience?

Come back next week for the fifth instalment in our series, where we’ll be revealing why sharing regular blogs and website updates can help improve your SEO.

Want to improve your SEO? Get in touch – let’s make it happen…

T: 01903 688789 E: makeithappen@mbsmih.com

4. Boost Your SEO With Social Media! | In The Know Blog Series – Search Engine Optimization
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