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Stay Ahead of the Game: Social Media Trends for 2023

Social media continues to play a central role in shaping how we communicate, consume and make decisions. With every year, comes new advancements, trends, and technologies in the social media sphere. For small businesses looking to maximise their social media presence, the key is to stay ahead of the game by keeping up with these trends. Here are some social media trends that your small business needs to know to succeed in 2023.

Repurposing content: In 2023, repurposing of content will continue to be a significant trend in social media. This is where businesses recycle old content into new forms of content. For example, turning blog posts into infographics, using Instagram stories highlights, and reposting top tweets. Repurposing allows businesses to bump up their content’s online exposure and reach a wider audience. This is particularly important for small businesses because it means that they can sustain their social media presence without continually generating new content.

Video Content: With the rise of the short-form video platform Tik Tok, video content will continue to be a trend in social media for small businesses in 2023. By creating videos for social media, businesses can exhibit their creativity and connect with their audience. Small businesses can use various formats such as live-streaming, video testimonials from clients, and explainer videos to create engaging video content. Video content has been shown to increase engagement and build customer trust.

Personalised content: In 2023, personalised content will be more crucial than ever. With algorithms continuously modifying users’ timelines, businesses must focus on making their content tailored, relevant, and personalised. Personalised content includes targeting different audiences, segmenting email lists, and customising social media ads based on audience predispositions. For small businesses, personalisation is essential because it increases customer loyalty and brand loyalty.

Customised Influencer Marketing: Influencer marketing has been a crucial trend in social media for a while now. In 2023, it will become more personalised, focusing on specific influencers in niche markets. Small businesses can take advantage of this trend by identifying social media influencers that fit their industry, and partnering with them to create content. Content created this way has been shown to increase sales leads and build stronger customer relations.

Ephemeral Content: Ephemeral Content defined as digital content, is short-lived and designed to showcase more authenticity with limited time for capturing the moment. Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook stories commonly exhibit this trend in social media. Video content in social media manifests as live streams or disappearing videos, images or texts. Small businesses can use ephemeral content to share behind the scene moments, teasers for product launches, and provide exclusive looks into their businesses. Ephemeral content appeals to audiences that crave authenticity and transparency.

Small businesses that can anticipate and adapt to social media trends early will have a significant advantage in 2023. Repurposing, Video Content, Personalised content, Customised influencer marketing, and Ephemeral content are top social media trends for small businesses to consider.  Developing and improving social media strategies with these trends can help small businesses establish an immersive online presence, boost their brand reputation and connect with a wider audience. The social media landscape continues to evolve, so embracing innovative approaches is critical to staying relevant and successful in 2023.

If you’d like to discuss our Social Media Management services or require any other business support, our team would love to help! Get in touch:

E:   T: 01903 688789