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An astronaut in space using specialised equipment

Health and Safety for SMEs – What you need to know!

By MOMENTUM Business Support | Oct 17, 2016

Did you know that if you run a business and have five or more employees you are legally required to have a written health and safety policy? If you are a business owner, here’s the low down on what you need to know … Preparing a health and safety policy needs to be in three… Read More »Health and Safety for SMEs – What you need to know!

A man in a suit reading a newspaper with the words Business displayed on the cover page

2016-17 Changes to the UK National Minimum Wage

By MOMENTUM Business Support | Oct 3, 2016

As of 1 October 2016 the UK Government has accepted and implemented the Low Pay Commission’s recommendation to increase the national minimum wage for those aged 24 and under, for 2016-17. The new per hour rates will be as follows: Ages 21 – 24 will now receive £6.95 (from £6.70) Ages 18 – 20 will… Read More »2016-17 Changes to the UK National Minimum Wage

A person standing on a rock on the edge of a lake with a foest and mountain view in the background

How To Stay Motivated – Keeping The Momentum

By MOMENTUM Business Support | Sep 30, 2016

Want to listen instead? Click here Sometimes we all lack motivation at work, start daydreaming, lack productivity, would much rather be doing anything else (the list goes on..). Here’s some top tips on how to keep motivated. Personal and Professional Development Plan If you have a plan like this – Great! If not, you need… Read More »How To Stay Motivated – Keeping The Momentum

A person wearing a blue top using an apple watch to display time

Stop Stressing and Save Time

By MOMENTUM Business Support | Aug 10, 2016

Want to listen instead? Click here Running a business can be very overwhelming at times.  You may feel like there are simply not enough hours in the day.  One of the most important things in business is managing your time.  That may seem obvious, however many people waste time without even realising it.  We’ve compiled… Read More »Stop Stressing and Save Time

A formal event venue with white and blue decorations

5 Reasons You Need to Host An Event

By MOMENTUM Business Support | Jul 20, 2016

Want to listen instead? Click here Exposure Events enable your business to gain brand awareness and exposure by getting your name out there. People will hear about the event which means they will hear about your business. The more interesting the event, the more your company will be recognised. It can also be an opportunity… Read More »5 Reasons You Need to Host An Event

A group of three people climbing a misty rock covered hill

7 ‘Hidden’ Costs Of Running A Small Business

By MOMENTUM Business Support | Jul 14, 2016

Want to listen instead? Click here It’s a subject we often talk and think about as there are so many costs involved with running a business, and when you’re in the early stages it can be hard to know where to start. So we’ve done a bit of research and pulled together some of the… Read More »7 ‘Hidden’ Costs Of Running A Small Business