facebook business page

Creating An Engaging Facebook Business Page

Hands holding a mobile phone displaying the Facebook app log in screen

Facebook is one of the original social media platforms, and thanks to its 3 billion monthly users, it is still considered to be the most popular choice when it comes to marketing through social media. But, with millions of businesses using the platform, how do you go about making your Facebook page stand out? 

Consistent imagery

Image form is the biggest immediate impression on your page. Your profile picture is often the first thing that someone sees when browsing, so it needs to display your company name or logo. The cover photo gives you a bit more space and is a good place for a summary of your brand, or the showcasing of a new product or service. Keeping all your images branded is crucial for maintaining consistency across your page. This also includes your weekly posts and advertisement. Doing so ensures that prospect visitors are presented with recognisable content, improving the memorability of your page.

Optimised about section

The about section will likely be the first written segment that your page visitor will be exposed to – making it the best place to display key information about your company. It is also a great opportunity to vocalise your company values, ambitions, and of course slogans! Remember to make sure your website link is easily accessible and functional. It is key to guiding Facebook users back to the heart of your business.

Call to action button

An enticing call to action is essential for your page. Asking visitors to like and follow is a natural fit for Facebook, however you may also consider other call to action buttons such as; signing up to newsletters, registering for webinars, downloading content or seasonal sales.

Custom username and vanity URL

A custom username and URL is a great final touch to your business page. They can make the page look more considered and professional. Shorter URL’s not only benefit from being easier to find but are also more memorable and trustworthy. They are more visually appealing, promoting shareability while not overpowering the rest of your content. To set up your vanity URL, simply visit the Edit Page section, proceed to the basic information section, and claim an available username. This will automatically provide your page with a custom URL based on your pages chosen username.

Recommendations and reviews

Facebook recommendations are invaluable when it comes to boosting your brands online reputation. They can go a long way in improving your company’s visibility, attracting prospects, and showcasing credibility. According to latest findings, almost 20% of all customer reviews are housed on Facebook – making it the prime location for spreading positive news about your business. Be sure to encourage customer reviews. Remember that credibility is always the deciding factor when trying out a new service.

If you’d like to find out more about setting up an engaging Facebook page, or require any additional business support get in touch:

E: makeithappen@mbsmih.com   T: 01903 688789