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5. Get Blogging! | In The Know Blog Series – Search Engine Optimization

Welcome to part 5 of In The Know, our new blog series! 

Continuing with this series’ focus of SEO, in this instalment we’re talking about why regular blogs and website updates are important.

Do you own a business blog on your website? Well, if you don’t – you’re really missing out.

Why Is Blogging Important To SEO?

SEO, in our opinion, is the number one reason to have a business blog. Search Engine Optimisation is about increasing the number of visitors to your website by gaining a high-ranking position in the results page of a search engine (e.g. Google, Yahoo, Bing etc.) These search engines love fresh content! So the more unique, genuine blogs you create, the better. Making your blogs easy to share and including images and videos with keywords and phrases will also help make your content more discoverable.

Blogging helps to drive traffic to your website and therefore, your business. Just think – how did you find this blog today? Interested customers will search for key topics online, for example; In this case you may have searched ‘Why to blog’ or ‘Benefits of blogging for SEO’ and this blog will have come up. This will hopefully then lead to looking at our other blogs, checking out our website, and ultimately considering some of our services.

Keeping your website regularly updated with fresh content is also just as important for the very same reasons. Time to get blogging – and updating!

Come back next week for the final instalment in our series, where we’ll be finishing series 1 with why you should be using Website Images Meta Tags, Alt Tags, Descriptions, Titles and More!

We can help support you with your SEO strategy. Get in touch – let’s make it happen… T: 01903 688789 E: [email protected]