6. Don’t Forget The Little Extras! | In The Know Blog Series – Search Engine Optimization

Welcome to the final part of this SEO In The Know blog series! 

Finishing this series’ focus of SEO, in our last instalment we’re talking about why you should be using Website Images Meta Tags, Alt Tags, Descriptions, Titles and More!

Lots of little extras on your website all work together to help boost your SEO rankings overall. Are you making the most of them for the best possible results? These can include:

Website Image Meta Tags

Website Meta Tags are small snapshots of text and images that provide a summary for a website page. You may have noticed these before when sharing a link on social media or in a message. It’s important that you ensure yours are always up to date, so your content is accurately represented when shared by others.

Alt Tags

Alt Tags (also known as ‘alt attributes’ or ‘alt descriptions’) are HTML attributes that can be applied to image tags to provide a text alternative for search engines. Ensuring these are filled out can help positively impact web browser  rankings. They are also used to describe the image or what the image is representing to those who are visually impaired or use screen readers. This is a must to ensure your website is inclusive for all. 

SEO Descriptions & Titles

Page titles and meta descriptions are two separate pieces of short HTML code that should be found on every page of the world wide web. Essentially, what they do is tell you the title of the page you’re on and a summary of that page. For a smooth customer web journey, keep these up to date and regularly updated as much as you can.

Thank you for sticking with us for this series. We hope that you’ve found it useful! You can catch up on all instalments here. Stay tuned for another In The Know blog series coming soon in the future!

Good luck on your SEO journey! If you need support, we’re always here. Just get in touch, we’d love to help.

T: 01903 688789 E: makeithappen@mbsmih.com

6. Don’t Forget The Little Extras! | In The Know Blog Series – Search Engine Optimization
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