Month: December 2021

12 Days Of Tipmas Day 7: Do An End Of Year Review And Plan For The Future

Woman looking through paperwork on a bed

How can we measure if our business is doing well? After all, there is no metric for success. The answer is an end of year review- the process of which allows business owners the chance to evaluate annual progress, expenditures as well as general performance. Doing so gives them the chance to review previous targets, define future goals, as well as establish new strategies all while documenting the process.

A review’s main benefit is the ability to accordingly plan for the future. Once the overall performance is evaluated, it is easier to determine what has worked well and what needs further improvements. It also allows you to compare previous reviews, giving you a better understanding of your business’ growth as well as providing owners the opportunity to spot forming patterns.

Finally, many businesses also chose to include employee assessments in their end of year reviews, evaluating the team’s performance. While the process can seem nerve racking for many, it is actually a beneficial tool for all team members- promoting communication and providing an opportunity to recognise hard work and dedication.

Here are our top tips for an end of year review and future planning:

  • Note down everything
  • Keep things dated and organised
  • Look for patterns and anomalies
  • Define expectations and goals
  • Recognise success and achievements
  • Always keep criticism constructive
  • Be patient- allow time for growth
  • Communicate with your team
  • Be ambitious but set achievable targets  

12 Days Of Tipmas Day 6: Look For Grants, Loans And Other Subsidised Growth Support

Man in suit passing over a pen and some paperwork to another person

Every business has found themselves needing a little extra support at one time or another and since running a business takes a lot of time and often money, it’s no surprise that many owners opt for grants and loans to help grow their brand. While it can seem daunting at first, there are many ways in which you can acquire additional financial support- most of which are common procedures.

While each type of growth support differs from the next, many are free or funded by the government while others work through repayment options or repayment with interest. Since only the lucky few have an expendable income at hand, here are some tips on finding the right support you:

  • Create a business plan
  • Visit Government websites
  • Speak with other business owners
  • Discuss financial options with your bank
  • Check your eligibilities
  • Research start-up and small business loans

If you’d like to find out more about grants, loans and other subsidised growth support, get in touch!

E: T: 01903 688789.

12 Days Of Tipmas Day 5: Don’t Burn Out-Look After Yourself

Working space with a keyboard, tea cup, plant and snack bowl

It can be easy to get lost within the workloads, schedules and to do lists, but it’s important to remember that you and your wellbeing always comes first. Afterall, how can we expect to put in a hundred percent if we’re not feeling a hundred percent ourselves.

The quality of our work often reflects our personal lives, in fact studies have proven that happier people are more productive and work harder than those who are unhappy and low on morale, further highlighting the importance of looking after yourself and your employees. However, it is also equally important to look after your physical wellbeing, as healthy people frequently rank higher in happiness and mental health studies.

Here are our Top tips for looking after yourself:

  • Create a routine and plan ahead
  • Spend time with your loved ones
  • Develop a healthy sleeping pattern
  • Take short but regular breaks from work
  • Stay hydrated, drink plenty of water throughout the day
  • Implement exercise into your day (make it fun e.g., sports)
  • Eat a balanced diet but don’t be afraid to treat yourself every now and then

If you’d like to find out more about looking after yourself and the benefits it holds in the workplace, check out our previous blogs or send us an email! We would love to answer any questions and provide you with additional support. Get in touch:

E: T: 01903 688789.

12 Days Of Tipmas Day 4: Build A Trusted Network

A network of colourful game pawns connected by straight lines crossing over

The phrase “It’s not what you know, but who you know” is used within many industries and while you may think it’s just a saying, it truly holds up its value when it comes to starting and growing a business. Of course, knowledge and skills are still important, but often the key to successfully running a business is a trusted network. Your connections play an integral part in expanding your brands reach, as well as increasing your visibility- both ultimately resulting in higher sales and a positive cash flow turnout.

So where do you start? It may be the case that your network is very small or you may even be starting from scratch, but not to worry, there are several things which you can do to build up a trusted network, most of which come with zero additional costs. First, remember that the heart of networking lies online. If you haven’t already, set up appropriate social media accounts and begin connecting with old, new, and prospect clients as well as other businesses and owners. Regardless of which industry you’re in- it’s near impossible for a business to thrive in 2022 without the additional visibility from social media. Here is a list of things you can do improve your network:

  • Be social, attend or hold business events
  • Sign up to relevant social media platforms
  • Join social media communities, groups, and lists
  • Take part in local business awards
  • Encourage word of mouth and ask for referrals
  • Deliver fresh and trending content- generating more interest
  • Use your existing testimonials and encourage reviews
  • Team up with other businesses, publish and partake in guest blogs

If you’d like to find out more about the importance of business networking, we would love to help and hear your thoughts. For blog questions, business advice and all other queries, get in touch!

E: T: 01903 688789.

12 Days Of Tipmas Day 3: Invest In Digital Marketing – Keep Your Online Presence Up To Date

Mac desktop computer on an office desk with the words " Digital Marketing" on the screen

The Internet is full of potential prospects and customers but to attract them you must not only be in the right place and at the right time but also maintain a strong online presence. Improving your presence online can come down to various factors, however the most important is often consistency and a regular schedule. A consistent posting regime can boost the amount of customer interactions and engagement, as well as improve on your brand’s credibility- presenting your business as trustworthy and organised. 

 It can also be beneficial to include regular, original content and cover newsworthy and trending topics to create more traffic to your posts and website. Doing so will result in better post performances, a more positive audience reception, as well as attracting new visitors to your website. It is also key to remember that many social media platforms have a much shorter shelf life, meaning that the quantity of posts will need to be adjusted in accordance with the chosen platform to ensure your content doesn’t get lost at the bottom of the newsfeed.

Keeping your online presence up to date can also come down to the first impression your business gives off. Consider sharing more branded graphics as well as updating your profile info and visuals. An old bio and faulty links can send the wrong message and come across as careless. Make sure that everything works as it should do and check what your profiles look like from the customers point of view. Most importantly keep all your socials coherent and congruent, use matching information, logos and slogans and make sure your branding is always easily recognisable.  

As a small business, we know that time is precious. Why not invest in your Digital Marketing activities by outsourcing them to our expert team? Give us a call on 01903 688789 or email us at to find out more.