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‘Conveyer Belt’ Your Way To Saving Time

I recently worked on a project for a client, covering whilst a member of their team was away. She is extremely efficient, knows what she’s doing and never wastes time (I know this from working with her regularly)! And yet, whilst I was covering her work, I was around 30% quicker at getting the tasks… Read More »‘Conveyer Belt’ Your Way To Saving Time

Woman using a calculator with an open laptop and folders in front of her

Is It OK To Chase Payments During Covid-19?

Want to listen instead? Click here It’s a difficult time for everyone at the moment, especially when it comes to money. I’ve had a number of conversations with clients, friends and other business owners about the delicate matter of how to approach outstanding invoices, or current payment requirements.   Is it OK or even moral to… Read More »Is It OK To Chase Payments During Covid-19?

A hand pointing to white digitally drawn scribbles depicting some logos and symbols

Getting The Most Out Of Online Networking

Want to listen instead? Click here From webinars to virtual business shows, Twitter hours to web hosted speed networking, making new contacts and schmoozing online has been around for a while. But it seems now, more than ever, we are relying on it as part of our new daily norm, and to be honest, it’s… Read More »Getting The Most Out Of Online Networking

An open notebook with a mobile phone and pen placed on top of it on a wooden desk with a laptop

12 Things To Do When Business Is Quiet

Want to listen instead? Click here There are no times when we want our businesses to be quiet. Whether it’s due to temporary economic, social or environmental impacts, personal or staffing issues, or even just because you are seasonal. Right now, most of us are in a forced situation of business closure or at best,… Read More »12 Things To Do When Business Is Quiet

7 Eco-Friendly Business Tips

Want to listen instead? Click here Behind the scenes at MOMENTUM, we have been researching ways that we can become more environmentally responsible as a business. As virtual assistants, a lot of what we already do is friendly to our eco system – however, there are many more small steps that we can take to create… Read More »7 Eco-Friendly Business Tips

Hands typing on the keyboard of a white laptop

Passing The Baton – 45 Tasks You Could Outsource

When you pass tasks that you are finding time consuming on to your virtual assistant, it leaves time and space for your company to grow. Your focus can return to what you do best – running your business. You may not have been aware of the incredible number of tasks that you could outsource, so… Read More »Passing The Baton – 45 Tasks You Could Outsource