Social Media

Top 5 Ways To Optimise Your Content Marketing Strategy

Woman sitting at a desk working on a digital tablet device.

As a business owner or marketing manager, you know that creating high-quality content is essential for driving results. But with so many demands on your time, it can be difficult to know where to start or how to make the most of your efforts.

What if we told you that there are some simple – yet highly effective – ways to optimise your content marketing strategy and see growth? In this blog, we’ll share the top 5 ways to optimise your content marketing strategy so that you can start seeing better results in no time.

Plan your content strategy using buyer personas

One of the best ways to optimise your content marketing strategy is to start by planning your content using buyer personas. Buyer personas are fictional, idealised representations of your target customers. They take into account your customer’s demographics, behaviours, motivations and goals. Developing buyer personas for your business will help you create more targeted and effective content. When you know who you are talking to, it is much easier to create content that speaks to their specific needs and preferences. As a result, your content is more likely to resonate with your audience and convert them into customers or leads.

Utilise more photos and visuals

Another great way to optimise your content marketing strategy is to utilise photos and visuals. Recent studies have shown that articles with images get 94% more views than those without. And tweets with images get 150% more retweets than those without. Including photos and visuals in your content will not only help you to get more views and engagement, but it will also make your content more memorable. When you include visuals, you are giving your readers another way to engage with your content and understand your message.

Make sure your website is optimised for search

If you want your content to be seen by as many people as possible, then you need to make sure your website is optimised for search. This means including relevant keywords in your titles and meta descriptions and making sure your website is easy to navigate and mobile-friendly. By improving your SEO, you will make it easier for people to find your content when they are searching for keywords related to your product or service. As a result, you will see an increase in website traffic and engagement.

Use social media to amplify your reach

Another tactic for boosting your content marketing strategy is to use social media to amplify your reach. When you share your content on social media, you are increasing the chances that it will be seen by more people. Not only that, but social media is a great way to start a conversation about your content and get people talking. When you can get people talking about your content, you are more likely to see interaction and improved sales.

Experiment and analyse your results

Finally, one of the best ways to optimise your content marketing strategy is to experiment and analyse your results. Try different things and see what works best for your business. Then, track your results so that you can see what is working and what is not. By experimenting and tracking your results, you will be able to fine-tune your content marketing strategy and focus on the tactics that are producing the best results. It will also allow you to look back upon your progress and better track your business growth.

We hope you find this blog, insightful. If you’ve enjoyed the read, why not share it on your socials? Be sure to tag us and let us know what you think! If you’d like to find out more about optimising your content strategy or require any other support, we’ve got the team to help. Get in touch:

T: 01903 688789 E:

Creating An Engaging Facebook Business Page

Hands holding a mobile phone displaying the Facebook app log in screen

Facebook is one of the original social media platforms, and thanks to its 3 billion monthly users, it is still considered to be the most popular choice when it comes to marketing through social media. But, with millions of businesses using the platform, how do you go about making your Facebook page stand out? 

Consistent imagery

Image form is the biggest immediate impression on your page. Your profile picture is often the first thing that someone sees when browsing, so it needs to display your company name or logo. The cover photo gives you a bit more space and is a good place for a summary of your brand, or the showcasing of a new product or service. Keeping all your images branded is crucial for maintaining consistency across your page. This also includes your weekly posts and advertisement. Doing so ensures that prospect visitors are presented with recognisable content, improving the memorability of your page.

Optimised about section

The about section will likely be the first written segment that your page visitor will be exposed to – making it the best place to display key information about your company. It is also a great opportunity to vocalise your company values, ambitions, and of course slogans! Remember to make sure your website link is easily accessible and functional. It is key to guiding Facebook users back to the heart of your business.

Call to action button

An enticing call to action is essential for your page. Asking visitors to like and follow is a natural fit for Facebook, however you may also consider other call to action buttons such as; signing up to newsletters, registering for webinars, downloading content or seasonal sales.

Custom username and vanity URL

A custom username and URL is a great final touch to your business page. They can make the page look more considered and professional. Shorter URL’s not only benefit from being easier to find but are also more memorable and trustworthy. They are more visually appealing, promoting shareability while not overpowering the rest of your content. To set up your vanity URL, simply visit the Edit Page section, proceed to the basic information section, and claim an available username. This will automatically provide your page with a custom URL based on your pages chosen username.

Recommendations and reviews

Facebook recommendations are invaluable when it comes to boosting your brands online reputation. They can go a long way in improving your company’s visibility, attracting prospects, and showcasing credibility. According to latest findings, almost 20% of all customer reviews are housed on Facebook – making it the prime location for spreading positive news about your business. Be sure to encourage customer reviews. Remember that credibility is always the deciding factor when trying out a new service.

If you’d like to find out more about setting up an engaging Facebook page, or require any additional business support get in touch:

E:   T: 01903 688789

Boosting Your Audience Engagement Through Social Media

Hand holding up a translusent card with like, comment and follow amounts and symbols

So you’ve created a social media account for your business. You may even have a significant following, but the audience engagement just isn’t coming. What can be done?  Luckily, many of the solutions are simple and, in most cases, benefit from immediate results. Here’s our list of 6 things you can do to boost your social media engagement today!

Optimise your following

Sure, it may be tempting to follow as many people as you can in hopes of growing your audience. You may have even considered inorganic ways of grow your following. The truth is numbers don’t matter unless every follower is either a prospect or a benefit to your business. First and foremost, it is interest that drives engagement; thus, an optimised audience is crucial when it comes to generating more interactions. Follow accounts which are fitting with your business – consider if they are suitable prospects with potential interest in your niche. For example, if you’re a brand which sells vegan food, your target audience is of course primarily vegans. A following of sworn meat-eaters would most likely bring little engagement.

Post frequently

A large part of engagement is often received from your long-term followers. Individuals who already know your business and have likely established a positive dynamic over time. It’s not too different from in person relationships; the more you get to know someone the more likely you are to engage with them! Therefore, it is important for your account to be active, post frequently, and be consistent. Don’t disappear for weeks and expect your engagement to bounce back upon your return! Build momentum with your following, establish trust, and give them a reason to interact.

Ask questions

Asking questions, is the simplest way of eliciting information and thus prompting engagement. They don’t always have to be business related either! Ask your followers about their day, current events, or their opinions. Just remember to reciprocate the interaction. Not only do questions encourage engagement, but they also provide you with an opportunity to obtain first hand insights into audience preference. Discuss upcoming products and ideas, use your platform to learn more about your prospects and in-turn write about your target audience’s main interests.

Include more visuals

Always include visuals where relevant. Recent studies show that information retention after a three-day period, is 50% higher when exposed to content accompanied by visuals. As well as being more memorable, their engagement rates are 650% higher, making them a great tool when it comes to storytelling and creating interaction worthy content. There are very few instances in which visuals won’t benefit your posts, so be creative and remember to make them branded! Include images, gifs, or infographics, and don’t be afraid to put out video content.

Give more than you get

It cannot be one sided, if you seek engagement, you must make the effort to interact too. Respond to your audience, make them feel heard and be an active participant in online conversations. Making a conscious effort to respond and interact with your audience adds personalisation and credibility to your account, subsequently giving your followers a reason to seek engagement too. Present your business as a social and approachable enterprise and breathe life into your profile. Try to limit automation to a minimum, a real time response can go a long way in personifying your business and improving prospective relationships.

Stay on top of current affairs

Always be a credible source for news and trending topics relating to your field. Don’t give your competitors the upper hand when it comes to offering up to date information! Becoming a go to source will encourage your audience to show their appreciation through the means of likes, shares, and comments – boosting your engagement while simultaneously expanding the reach of your content. Subscribe to informative newsletters, follow industry experts, and stay on top of trending and newsworthy stories. Make a conscious effort to stay up to date and spread your expert knowledge through your social media content.

Audience engagement is a crucial part of every social media strategy and thus a key step in growing your business. It’s a fantastic way of interacting with your prospects but most importantly a beneficial tool when it comes to evaluating the effectiveness of your content. If you’d like to find out more about other ways of boosting your engagement or require any additional support, we’d love to help! Get in touch:

E:   T: 01903 688789

Make The Most Of LinkedIn’s Newsletter Feature

LinkedIn newsletter page open on a laptop

LinkedIn is an often-overlooked social media platform, but its features are powerful and can connect your business with a large network of potential clients and new opportunities. One such feature is the in-built newsletter service they offer, which has recently been expanded to include newsletters from company pages. Join us as we explore it further, discover it’s benefits and learn to utilise it.

Become a leader in your industry
In a newsletter, you get to touch upon subjects you care about on a regular basis. This gives you a real chance to show off your knowledge and expertise, making you come across as more reliable and building confidence in your business. Apart from boosting your credibility, it is also a great chance to showcase any new or interesting findings and strategies that your business is using, helping you to stand out as a leader in your field.

Improve your audience engagement

All LinkedIn users can subscribe to newsletters, so if your writing is engaging and consistent, they are a great way of interacting with your audience. Target a chosen field and vary the topic to keep the conversation fresh and interesting. To make the most of your content, you need to know your audience and tailor your information. Create news articles with a specific purpose in mind (growing the newsletter, providing support for your clients etc.), and lean into your strengths such as storytelling, infographics, or blogs. When done properly, you can benefit from a regular audience that is more likely to spread the word about your business.

Grow your network
Anyone can discover, read, and share your LinkedIn newsletter, but in order to grow your audience we recommend you give the newsletter a bit of a boost. Inviting your existing network is a great way to get a head start on your subscriber count. Sharing your newsletter with new connections keeps the conversation going after you meet new people at networking events. Finally, posting about your newsletter on LinkedIn and other social platforms, reminds users who may have missed your invitation, as well as exposing additional prospects to your work.

Setting up

  • Make sure to turn on creator mode. You can find it under your profile’s dashboard.
  • Navigate to your homepage, where the usual “create a post” section appears, select the “write article” option and proceed.
  • From the menu selection at the top of the page choose “create a newsletter”.
  • Fill out the required information, create a name and bio for your newsletter.  
  • Upload or write your newsletter article.
  • When you are happy with your content and layout, click “Publish”. A newsletter page will automatically be created within LinkedIn. 

In summary, a LinkedIn newsletter is a fantastic, free tool for any business – it is a regular space to show the advancements your company has made and share the knowledge you have gathered from your experience. High quality, consistent content will grow the audience for your newsletter and by extension your company – leading to new customers and clients. For something so easy to set up, it is a worthwhile investment for any SME looking to grow.

If you’d like to find out more about LinkedIn’s features, need help setting up your newsletter or require any other business support, get in touch!

E:   T: 01903 688789

Are You Making These Social Media Mistakes?

a hand holding an iphone with an open lockscreen displaying social media apps

In the last decade the numbers of social media profiles have skyrocketed beyond all expectations. Users of all ages and backgrounds are connecting across the world, as ‘liking’, ‘sharing’, and ‘tweeting’ has rapidly become everyone’s go to downtime. And so, it’s no wonder that social media is the place to be for every business. However, social media never came with a handbook. Sure, most of us know the basics but many users are continuing to make common mistakes that are affecting their reach, engagement, and branding. Join us, as we explore common social media mistakes your business should avoid!

Quantity over Quality – While you may think posting as much as possible is the way to go, it is the quality that makes the difference. If your profile is over encumbered with meaningless posts, it becomes harder for your audience to find the content that actually matters. Not only does it dominate people’s newsfeeds, but it also comes across as spammy which can lead to a loss of followers. Work to achieve a higher standard, choose regular but effective content that brings interactions and growth. This could be things like blogs, tips, polls, and testimonials – which are all popular choices among established business owners.

Lacking in video content – Video marketing has become widely used among successful brands, but many of us are still intimidated by the video format. While it requires extra time and attention it is by far the most effective when it comes to audience reach and platform algorithms. Top social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram are making calculated choices regarding the content shown to their platform users. They often prioritise video content and grant it a noticeably longer shelf life – giving it an edge over competing posts. Finally, video content is much more likely to be shared and to go ‘viral’ – it has higher audience retention and is often more accessible.

Not using a scheduling tool – Social media scheduling tools allow businesses to plan, visualise and keep their content consistent. Online schedule users can benefit from analytic technologies and helpful tools such as recommended posting times and engagement reports. They’re a fantastic way of staying consistent during busier periods and seeing the impact of your content.

Not targeting your audience – While Social media platforms have millions of users across the world, it’s important to cater towards your target audience first! This allows you to concentrate on the most suitable prospects and strategize your marketing. Businesses that don’t target their high-value audiences, tend to have much lower website traffic, a weaker referral base and fewer returning customers.

Not engaging with your audience – No one likes a one end conversation, which is exactly what a lack of customer engagement looks like! While you may have an established following and regular content, you need to utilise your business profile to its full potential. Get involved with your audience, comment, and reply to their queries. Engaging with your audience provides authenticity and validation – it shows that you’re listening to their needs. It can do a lot for a business, building lasting relationships and credibility. The most effective profiles are often the ones with an organic conversation between the business and its audience, eliminating that superficial feel.

We know most businesses don’t have a surplus of time to dedicate to social media, which is why MOMENTUM offers a wide range of services designed to suit you and your business needs. Focus on the development and growth of your business and let us do the rest! If you’d like to discuss our extremely cost-effective Social Media Management services or require any additional business support – please get in touch:

E:   T: 01903 688789