
Getting Things Done More Effectively

Two people working together at a wooden desk with two open laptops and a shared paper document which they are writting on

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Effective: To successfully achieve the results that you want

In most cases, the result we want is to get [the task] done and get it done well, and knowing what it is that you need to complete or are trying to achieve is the first hurdle. From small tasks to big projects, the key to being most effective is to identify everything you need to do in the form of a ‘to do’ list. Start by making a note of everything you need to get done, not just the larger jobs, but the little ones as well.

Takeaway Tip: Always start with a ‘to do’ list

Make your to do list more effective by including timescales for every task you plan to complete (e.g. 10 minutes; 2 hours etc.), and then include timeframes for when they need to be completed by (e.g. 1 week; 2 days etc.). You now have a much better idea of exactly what you need to do, by when, and how long it will take.

Takeaway Tip: Ensure your ‘to do’ list includes realistic timeframes for every task

You want to be as effective as possible from the beginning of each new day, so give yourself a helping hand by knowing exactly what you’re going to achieve before you even sit at your desk or work station. Write your to do list the day before or at the beginning of each week to eliminate any procrastination at the start of your day.

Takeaway Tip: Know what you are going to achieve the day or week before

Finally, including set time slots in your calendar each day for getting key tasks and general admin done is vital to ensuring you make the time. Blocking out set days each week specifically for conducting meetings (such as a Tuesday and Thursday) will also help you to be more effective as you won’t be rushing around trying to juggle travel and work at the same time. This also applies to the larger tasks you have to do regularly, such as your month end processes or invoicing. Setting aside specific time each month in your calendar will help you focus on getting these done.

Takeaway Tip: Set aside time in your calendar for admin jobs, set meeting days, and month end tasks

Why hire a VA over a PA?

A persons hand using a laptop trackpad while sat at a desk

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Q – What’s the difference between a VA (Virtual Assistant) and a PA (Personal Assistant)?
A – Nothing apart from geography!

You know that you need to outsource all those niggling admin tasks that are taking up your time and stopping you from earning money and growing your business, but you don’t know whether to employ a PA or not. Sound familiar?

Well there is an answer, and that is using a VA. More and more small businesses and freelancers are hiring VA’s as a solution to the limited time they have available.  Hiring a PA takes a lot more time, energy and money than hiring a VA and here’s why: –

  • It takes time to interview and hire the right person who is qualified and matches your personality (as you’ll have to be with them all day).
  • PA’s cost more than their salaries! There’s training, office costs (heating, lighting, equipment etc), overtime. Also take into account comfort and coffee breaks…!
  • What if some days you do not have enough work for them to do?
  • If you hire a temporary PA through an agency, there are agency fees to consider.

The list is endless.

Virtual Assistants reduce your labour costs, we are independent contractors which means we work around your schedule (including outside normal business hours) at the same rate and you only pay for the time spent on your project. We work from home or our own sourced work space and care about our business, it’s our livelihood. We want you to call us and recommend our services to others, so you know you will get the very best service.

Unless you specifically need and can afford a PA then working with a VA will allow  you to be more productive and give your business the MOMENTUM it  needs to move forward without the extra overheads and employment headaches!

If you have any questions about VA’s or PA’s, then please get in touch. We have an amazing team and we love to help!

T: 01903 688789 E:

Are your notes useless?

A person in a black tshirt holding a burning book

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If you’re an avid note taker in meetings, courses, seminars or other events, then read on. We’ve pulled together 5 top tips and pointers to help make sure your notes are never useless.

Do you type or write?

A number of studies show handwriting your notes is much more effective than typing them. If you’re able to type fast enough to take down notes verbatim, the likelihood is you’re not taking much of what your typing in. Whereas, hand writing your notes, it’s unlikely you’ll be able to keep up with the speaker/s so you need to engage your brain more to interpret what they’re saying and actually make ‘notes’.

They’re called notes for a reason…

Notes are defined as ‘a brief record of points or ideas written down as an aid to memory’. So bear that in mind when you’re taking them. Try to come up with your own version of short-hand. Anything will do, as long as you understand them when you’re finished!

Keep it organised

Have a specific notebook for all of your note taking and be sure to use a new page for each meeting or event. Clearly mark at the top of the page what the notes relate to, and even include dates and attendees to make it easier to recall additional information in the future.

What are your key actions?

When you make notes, do you have a method for highlighting or making clear key actions that arise from your meetings or courses? Having a discernable code (such as a large asterisk or capital (A) in brackets) for yourself to accentuate any tasks or key takeaway points will make using your notes after the event much easier, and ensure you’re as productive as possible after the meeting.

Where are they now?

It’s great to have your actions highlighted and clearly displayed throughout your notes, but, that relies on you going back through all of your various notes frequently to remember what they are and make them happen! Instead, why not add them to your daily ‘to do’ list, so they’re easily accessible – you can always refer back to your notes if you need more detail about a specific task. Check out our secret here.

If you have more questions about note taking or are looking for someone to take them off your hands and write them up into full after meeting reports, then get in touch:

T: 01903 688789  E:

My secret to being the ‘most organised person you know’

A written to do list on a notepad with a pen placed on top

Everyone always tells me I’m the most organised person they know. I get a lot of ‘it’s ok for you, you’re organised’ and ‘it’s easy for you, you remember everything’ or ‘you do it, you’ll remember’.

The truth is, I don’t.

I used to think I had a great memory and was super organised, but that was before I started my own business, and one role became every role!

A few years ago, it felt like my natural ability to remember ‘everything’ started to fade. The busier I got the more there was to remember and the more I began to fret about it. I’m not saying I did forget everything, and I certainly still managed to appear organised and well planned, but at a cost. Lots of late nights trying to cram it all in whilst it was still fresh. Restless nights in and out of sleep, conscious that I had: clients to support; business accounts to get up to date; invoices and proposals to get out; events to plan and manage; stationery to order; software updates to implement; and so on and more.

Sound familiar? Of course it does. You have just as much to keep on top of as I do!

So, what’s my secret to making sure I’m still  ‘the most organised person you know’?


I know. It’s probably not quite the ultimate all revealing ‘secret’ you were after but it’s true. Writing my to-do list and keeping it updated every day takes the pressure out of remembering. There’s so much else to do, I just don’t have time to remember any more. So every evening when I finish work, I update my to-do list. And every morning, there it is, ensuring I know exactly what I need to do to get the most out of my day – No more restless nights or undue stress!

If you struggle to remember everything, or have written your to-do list and just don’t have the time to get it all done, then get in touch. We have an amazing team who are excellent at helping others become ‘the most organised person you know’!

T: 01903 688789  E:

What Do You Do With All Your Emails?

A laptop displaying an email inbox, lying on a bed in the dark

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Let’s set the scene:

You’ve set up your business and it’s starting to grow. It feels amazing that all your hard work and effort is paying off. Enquiries are coming in, your network and contacts are growing and everything is moving in an upwards direction … including your emails!

You try your best to deal with them all and sift through the junk to get to the most important ones on time, but somehow there’s still a couple that slip through the net. You really want to send a quick ‘hi’ and ‘thank you’ to the person you met at the event yesterday, and acknowledge the holding reply you have from the person you sent a proposal to last week. You also want to read through those subscription emails, take a look at your supplier’s latest offers and send a quick note to confirm a meeting next week. But of course, none of those are as important as the new orders, enquiries and existing customer queries that need resolving. So they get left to the way side.

The problem is, you don’t have time to do them today as you need to get the actual work done and you can’t catch up on them this evening either because you have a family engagement. This weekend is also out due to other (non-work related) commitments.

So, what do you do with all your emails?

What if you could just focus on the significant few emails and keep on top of your responses and junk? With our help you can. Our Virtual PA and Admin services can help you as you grow enabling you to keep your focus on what brings in the money and pass your time consuming (non-profit making) tasks to us! Get in touch today. Give us a call 01903 688789, or send us an email to – We look forward to hearing from you.