
7 Actionable Tips for Mastering Project Planning

People working together sat at a desk with paperwork and graphs

As a business owner, it’s important to be well-versed in project planning so that you can oversee and manage projects effectively. Good project planning can save you time and money, and can help you stay on track towards achieving your business goals. In this blog post, we will share 7 tips to improve your project planning and increase the chances of your projects being successful.

Have a clear objective

The first step in any successful project is to clearly define the objective. The more specific and measurable the objective, the easier it will be to plan and execute the project. Be sure to involve all relevant stakeholders in defining the objective so that everyone is on the same page

Define deliverables

Once you have a clear objective, it’s important to define the deliverables – the tangible items or results that will be produced during the project. This could include items such as a report, a prototype, or a new product feature. Defining deliverables will help ensure that everyone involved in the project is working towards the same goals and that progress towards project completion can be tracked accurately.

Break the project into manageable tasks

Breaking the project into manageable tasks is essential for keeping the project on track and ensuring that progress is being made. Each task should have a clear deadline and should be assigned to a specific team member. Breaking the project into smaller tasks also makes it easier to identify any potential roadblocks or issues early on..

Build in contingency time

No matter how well you plan a project, unexpected issues can arise and derail your timeline. Building in contingency time for unforeseen challenges can help ensure that the project stays on schedule and isn’t derailed by setbacks. Contingency time should be built into the project plan from the start, and team members should be aware of this time so that they can plan their work accordingly.

Communicate regularly

Regular communication is critical to the success of any project. Stakeholders should be informed of project progress, any issues or challenges, and updates to project timelines. Regular communication can help ensure that everyone works well together and can help identify potential issues before they become bigger problems.

Utilise project management tools

There are a variety of project management tools available that can make project planning and execution more efficient and effective. Consider utilising tools such as Trello, Asana, or Basecamp to help you stay organised and keep all project information in one place.

Review and learn from each project

After each project is complete, take the time to review what worked well and what didn’t. This can help you refine your project planning process and identify areas for improvement, and increase the chances of future project success.

Effective planning is key to the success of any project. By following the 7 tips we’ve outlined in this blog post, you can improve your project planning process and increase the chances of your projects being successful. If you’d like to find out more about project planning or require any other business support, we would love to help! Get in touch:

E:   T: 01903 688789

Getting Things Done More Effectively

Two people working together at a wooden desk with two open laptops and a shared paper document which they are writting on

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Effective: To successfully achieve the results that you want

In most cases, the result we want is to get [the task] done and get it done well, and knowing what it is that you need to complete or are trying to achieve is the first hurdle. From small tasks to big projects, the key to being most effective is to identify everything you need to do in the form of a ‘to do’ list. Start by making a note of everything you need to get done, not just the larger jobs, but the little ones as well.

Takeaway Tip: Always start with a ‘to do’ list

Make your to do list more effective by including timescales for every task you plan to complete (e.g. 10 minutes; 2 hours etc.), and then include timeframes for when they need to be completed by (e.g. 1 week; 2 days etc.). You now have a much better idea of exactly what you need to do, by when, and how long it will take.

Takeaway Tip: Ensure your ‘to do’ list includes realistic timeframes for every task

You want to be as effective as possible from the beginning of each new day, so give yourself a helping hand by knowing exactly what you’re going to achieve before you even sit at your desk or work station. Write your to do list the day before or at the beginning of each week to eliminate any procrastination at the start of your day.

Takeaway Tip: Know what you are going to achieve the day or week before

Finally, including set time slots in your calendar each day for getting key tasks and general admin done is vital to ensuring you make the time. Blocking out set days each week specifically for conducting meetings (such as a Tuesday and Thursday) will also help you to be more effective as you won’t be rushing around trying to juggle travel and work at the same time. This also applies to the larger tasks you have to do regularly, such as your month end processes or invoicing. Setting aside specific time each month in your calendar will help you focus on getting these done.

Takeaway Tip: Set aside time in your calendar for admin jobs, set meeting days, and month end tasks

Getting organised for your Self-Assessment Tax Return

A pen, calculator, and paperclip laying on top of a financial graph

With only a few weeks to go now until the deadline for the Self-Assessment Tax Return we’ve been asked by a number of clients how they can be better organised and get prepared in advance. So here’s our top tips on how to get organised early, so you can cross off the dreaded task from your to-do list.

Start Early
Start preparing for your Tax Return early to allow yourself enough time. There’s nothing worse than being right on deadline for a task, so don’t leave it until the very last minute to start getting your preparation underway!

Little and Often
Throughout the year, set time aside each week or month, using calendar alerts to remind you to take that hour out of your day, to sort through the relevant documents needed to file your Tax Return. This way, you won’t lose information or build up an enormous amount of paperwork that you’ll have to spend hours trying to sort through at the end of the year – which can be very stressful.

Create a Filing System
Set up a filing system that works for you. Whether that’s using folders, spreadsheets or an app – use whatever you find easier. When you’re out and about running errands – take a document wallet with you so you can place any relevant receipts straight in there. This will save you scrambling to look for them at a later date!

Don’t Stress!
Filing your Tax Return can be an overwhelming experience. The key is to get organised using the simple steps above and you’ll be fine! Remember – you can always seek advice from a professional accountant if you’re unsure about anything, and we’re always here to help too!

All the information you need about completing your self-assessment Tax return can be found here on the GOV website:

If you find yourself needing help with organisation in 2018, we can help! Contact us today for more information.
E: T: 01903 688789

What Do You Do With All Your Business Cards?

A large stack of various business cards covering the entire surface

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You go to all these events; networking, business shows, exhibitions… But what do you do with all the business cards you collect?

Collecting business cards can be great, as long as you do something with them! So here’s a few quick and simple ideas to help you make the most of all those business cards:

Follow ups

Every person you talk to, at every event you go to, is a potential opportunity. Make the most of those opportunities by following up. This could be a simple ‘Lovely to meet you’ email or if it’s a potential lead, you could follow up to arrange meeting again. You may think ‘What’s the point in sending an email to someone who wouldn’t be a lead?’ but it’ll give you the chance to remind the person of who you are and what you do.


At MOMENTUM we do everything virtually, we don’t like to keep unnecessary paperwork. So when we receive business cards we put them all on a spreadsheet and then get rid! This gives us an easy to use database of contacts for following up or keeping in touch via mailshots and newsletters.

Social Media – LinkedIn

Another great way to make use of your collected business cards is to find people to connect with on Social Media, especially LinkedIn. It’s often very hard to remember full names, so why not use the details on their business card to find them or their business? It’s a great way to connect and find out more about your new contacts.

Top Tip!

When you collect a business card from someone, there’s usually a reason, so make sure you always write yourself a note on the business card to remind you who they were and why you collected it. You may think now that you remember who they are, but often, by the time you get back to the office, there were so many people you spoke to you suddenly can’t quite remember!

When you’re busy, these tasks are pushed aside to the ‘not important’ to do list. Why don’t you make it easy for yourself and get someone else to do it? At MOMENTUM we’re always happy to help with any admin tasks including business card databases! Get in contact today by giving us a call on 01903 688789 or emailing us at – we’d be more than happy to help.